Matt Bullas, Digital Entrepreneur, Launches New Website

Get Your Website Quickly Indexed on Google

Every time a new website or blog is created, the first and foremost thing we want is to make its visibility on web world. There are a numerous ways to make your brand’s appearance on internet this is what we define as search engine optimization. Guest blogging service is one of those ways to get quality of traffic to your website. To get visibility, initially, you need to get you newly created website or WordPress blog indexing fast so that it can be crawled by search engine spiders and get noticed on search engine result pages. All this process takes at least a week to get noticed by Google bots buts there are a heap of ways with the help of which our website can be crawled in 24 hours.

Following are ways that can help you in getting Google indexing fast:

  • First of all make sure your website is complete before making it live on web. Don’t forget to follow Google design and content quality guidelines.
  • Be assured your content is not duplicate because duplicate content always get penalized by Google.
  • Try to make your website responsive as its generation’s demand.
  • Check you server twice before uploading your website to that server, confirm that your server is active.
  • Once your website is uploaded on server, now it’s time to boost yourself to accomplish following tasks:-
    • Submit your content on
    • Verify your website with the help of Google webmaster tool. In this process all you need to do is add your URL here. After getting verified on webmaster tool you will get a verification code, paste that code in HTML coding of your website and you are done.
    • You can also submit a sitemap using Google webmaster tool. This sitemap helps Google to understand the structure of your site as well as it increases coverage on web pages.
    • Make sure your website don’t have broken links as it makes a very bad impact on the reputation of your website.
    • Check your website for robots.txt files. You can easily check your website’s robots.txt file using the robots.txt Tester
    • By following all the above methods you website will be crawled within no time.

You can check indexing of your website at Free Bulk Google Index Checker Tool. Even after following these tips if search engine spiders do not crawl then you can submit your website on various pinging sites. With the help of these kinds of websites your recently build website will be crawled very soon. Rest you can check for back links of your website on Google webmaster tool.

Attend Google event for customers, partners & IT developers regularly to stay updated with the technology and to know more how to expand your business.

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